Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis Explores Beauty Against a Backdrop of Mystery

Editorial Staff February 28, 2023 If we are honest with ourselves, most of us define beauty by what we see, subjective though that may be. While we are attracted to the innate goodness of the stranger on the subway who offers us their seat during rush hour, we are still, in the end, dazzled more by […]
Betrayal, Mortality, and Suspense:Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis

Editorial Staff February 28, 2023 We are all aware, of course, that our time on this Earth is finite, but relatively few of us have any real sense of what that means. As we walk through life, we are accompanied by our own personal clock that is out of sight but inexorably ticks towards the […]
A New Kind of Hero: Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis by Philip E. Barrington

Dawnwells February 23, 2023 When was the last time you sat down with a mystery/thriller and were able to truly relate to its hero? Most of the time, we are given protagonists whose flaws are meant to humanize them but who are still so brilliant or physically impressive that we cannot connect with them. We are […]
When Nothing Is As It Seems: Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis

By dawnwells – February 17, 2023 We all admire people who are able to do what seems physically impossible: climb Mt. Everest, run 100 miles, or swim the English Channel. In Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis, author Philip E. Barrington gives us an ordinary man who must do something even harder: maintain his faith in humanity […]
Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis Asks Whether Hope Can Triumph Over Despair

Adil Husnain February 13, 2023 Jimi Hendrix once said that when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Grant Davis, the title character in the mystery/thriller Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis, finds himself at that tipping point when his friends turn against him one night and […]
Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis, Challenges Us to Live Life to the Fullest

FEB 23, 2023by THE KERPLUNK in BUSINESS Imagine that it’s a Friday night, and you are watching Netflix or perhaps reading a book. You take a break and go to the kitchen to get a drink out of the fridge, and when you close the door, a total stranger is standing inches from you. You only have […]
An Interview With P.E. Barrington, Award-Winning Author Of Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life Of Grant Davis

I cannot confirm or deny any of the material presented. But within these pages, the realms of possibilities for fact as well as fiction collide, reaching the zero point on the metaphysical titer scale of life. This is where a wonderful secret opening can be created within our vacuum of existence. – Who Okayed This?! […]
Philip E. Barrington, the proud recipient of the prestigious Stellar Book Awards 2022!”

Acclaimed author P.E. Barrington has been recognized for his best-selling book entitled“Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis”.The recognition was earned for his entire body of work that reads like a diary.What’s most impressive is that the book was completed after the fact that the author was crushed between two cars, like an […]
The Pursuit of Happiness Against All Odds: P.E. Barrington Delivers Soul-Searching Thriller

Shamsher AliSeptember 23, 2022 Some people are born for trouble, they say. Grant Davis is one of those people, as through no fault of his own other than trusting others too much, he find himself at the center of a deadly conspiracy. Who Okayed This?! The Riveting Life of Grant Davis, as seen on ABC, […]
Truth Stranger Than Fiction: the Award-Winning Thriller From P.E. Barrington

by Abhay Singh19-09-202219-09-2022 A threat from the past … “Two months later, I received a collect call from Sing Sing. Yes, that Sing Sing, the maximum security state prison north of New York City. I didn’t accept the charges, of course, because I didn’t know anyone who had been sent there. After all, I didn’t make […]